Description :
SAVE £175 plus VAT,
This product is back in stock this week, very limited number.
BEWARE OF INFERIOR SIMILAR LOOKING PRODUCTS, RAVAIR LTD have been approached by another company offering to supply us with MUCH cheaper products! These units are similar looking but do not have the same power ( ours are 330m/h these start at 80m/h well below Coshh SR 13 regulations!) Our units have digital touch pad screens with remote control, the other units have a "dial knob" on the front of the unit. This means you will have to get up from your desk, in front of your client, to turn the power up or down!
Ravair Ltd Units are the ROLLS ROYCE of these type of units, recommended by Health and Safety Officers all over the UK!
Introducing the New Ravair Vapour and Virus and Nail Dust Extraction Unit.
Free Perfection Nail Dust Brush, worth over £25 plus vat!
If you have a local council inspection you will need a unit that meets their regulations guaranteed, our units are actually recommended by local councils, see comment below from Client in Twickenham, London, in early December 2023!
"Hi there,
The council have sent me your website to buy fumes ventilation"
This Unit is variable speed fitted with a triple action filter with 3.5kilos of Activated Carbon for Removing Vapour, Fumes and Virus, A Glass Hepa composite filter to EU Standard EN 1822-1 to remove particulates, nail dust, pollen, pet dander etc from the working space and a specially designed composite filter pad that will remove lager dust particles and stop them getting to and covering the activated carbon.
The Composite Filter Pad should be taken out of the unit, (just remove from power and unclip the top of the unit either side and lift off and remove pad,) and hoover or clean at least once a week or after a busy day. This will prolong the life of the filters.
The Unit is also fitted with Anti Viral Flexzorb Filters, that will kill all viruses, free of charge.
The unit should be used on medium to low speed unless filing, creating dust, when it can be turned up either manually or with the remote control to capture all dust.
The Arm is flexible but will stay in the required position, different heads are availlable, i.e. clear bowl head for hairdressers, ring or email for more details.
The filters should be replaced every 4/6 months depending on usage.
Unit size 425mm L X 250mm W x 410mm H with Flexi Arm 1.5mts
The Flexzorb Filters are used in Military Grade Face Masks, and are impregnated with pure silver that will kill any virus. Full details are on the Ravair.co.uk website or Flexzorb.com.
This unit is designed for Vapour and Virus elimination but at over 300 metres per hour downdraft on full speed, it will also collect nail dust.
Ravair recommend that this unit should be used in conjunction with the Ravair Indesk Nail Dust Extractor to eliminate ALL Nail Dust including those created by E-files. The dust extractor will suck dust down into it’s own filter and Vapour Extractor will pull ALL Vapour and Virus from your clients hands and air space down into filters that will eliminate them returning Clean Air into the room.
The Ravair Vapour and Virus extractor can be easily be moved around on its own wheels and used for eyelashes and brows and also Hairdressing and Barbers, The unit comes with remote control and full Independent LEV Report to show to any Health and Safety Officer.
It is also perfect for lashes and microblading work as well as hairdressing and barbers as the 1.5mt arm can bend to any position you want and stay there. We have specially designed changeable hoods for these uses at no extra charge, ie, transparent hood for hairdressers. (ring for details}
Filters only need replacing every 4/6 months and are at least half the price of similar looking units on the market. The unit comes with a Full LEV independent Lab report to prove 330m/3 suction and 5.17m/s downdraft at the face of the collection nozzle, (over 5 x required by HSE Coshh SR13) Most units of this type only have 100m/3 per hour downdraft so are not suitable for dust collection. This unit will totally remove the smell of monomer from your salon (one unit per nail desk) and keep your neighbours and the local Health and Safety Officer happy.
The unit has variable speed and remote control so can be turned down low at the push of a button. Ravair RECOMEND that a DEDICATED NAIL DUST EXTRACTOR is used in conjuction with this unit to Totally Remove Dust and Vapours from your workspace. To help you do that Ravair Ltd are offering a combo deal with our Best Selling Indesk or Ondesk (only 11cm high) Nail Dust Extractor. This extractor normally retails for £350 plus vat but if bought in our Combo deal it will cost only £100** a massive saving of £250 plus vat and also free delivery!
**This combo deal is exclusive to these two products as an Introductory Offer, while stocks last, and cannot be used with other units.
This unit will kill OMICRON and DELTA VIRUS!
As an introductory Offer and while stocks last Ravair are offering this unit at only £795.00 and the Ravair IN Desk unit for only £100 extra as a combo deal. Total price £895.00 plus Vat and with Free Delivery. This is a saving of over £250 plus vat.
"Don't fool yourself into thinking all you need is one of those fancy plexiglass sneeze guards. That is NOT enough to protect you and your clients. Of Course I am not opposed to using them but they are not all you need. You will quickly learn that plexiglass attracts dust like a magnet. SO if you use plexiglass you will need to use"source capture ventilation to control dust as well.
It is important to understand that Viruses and other Pathogens do not have"Wings" but they do have "Magic Carpets" -meaning they take rides on dust particles that fly them all around the room for everyone to inhale. Dusts can carry pathogens so if you don't control nail filings/dust you are NOT doing all you can to control potentially infectious pathogens
Important; this is not an endorsement of our products by Mr Schoon, he has not seen them.
This Patented Nail Dust Extractor has been tried and tested in Nail Bars. The Uniquely Designed motor pulls air using patented Vortex Technology from your working environment into the machine and through 15mm deep Glass Hepa Filter and dust trap that is fully Independently Tested to remove dust, pet dander, allergens, pollen etc at 99.999% efficiency to 0.3 microns and above. (per EN Standard EN-1822 standard in MPPS Test). Anything below 0.7 microns is invisible to the human eye. Most units of this type use a paper cloth or bag that the fine dust will just go straight through and out into the room.
Ravair Ltd make no claims as to the Anti Viral Protection made by Flexzorb and rely totally on the claims made by the manufacturer, www.flexzorb.com, and the 28 page Independent Report by the UK Health Protection Agency Porton Down, of which Ravair Ltd have a copy. see www.flexzorb.com for details.
* I year warranty, (must use Ravair replacement filters).
* MUST BE RETURNED UNDAMAGED AND IN ORIGINAL PACKAGING and NOT USED IN A PUBLIC PLACE, SALON ETC. Also subject to correct use of machine and manufacturers decision.