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Micro-Ecology Air Purifier

Micro-Ecology Air Purifier

Micro-Ecology Air Purifier


Product Id : #83


Description :


Ravair Ltd introduces the new Micro-Ecology Air Purifier.

This powerful, yet quiet, air purifier is designed to remove particulates and particles from the air using Top Quality Glass Hepa Filters to EU Standard EN 1822-1 which removes particulates 0.3microns and above (below 0.7 microns are invisible to the human eye) to 99.98% efficiency. Suitable for Hayfever, Asthma sufferers etc. The unit is also fitted with free Flexzorb Anti Viral Filters that will kill viruses with impregnated pure silver.
The unit is revolutionary in design in that it draws air into the bottom of the unit and up through internal Glass Hepa Filters, Through Flexzorb Anti Viral Filters and then up out the top and up through the leaves of a green plant.

This theory was introduced into Office Design in the 70's and 80's, the belief being that green plants would change an office environment with high carbon dioxide content during the day from office workers breathing out CO2, by the process of PHOTOSYNTHISIS OVERNIGHT, CREATING OXYGEN! This theory was ok but in practice the lack of movement of air made it have a very limited effect.

Ravair Ltd have resolved that problem by producing a unit that will suck the air in an average office space around 10 times an hour into the filters and up through the leaves of a green plant making Photosynthesis inevitable. MORE OXYGEN and NO AIRBORNE VIRUS IN YOUR OFFICE/HOME.
Plant NOT Supplied.

The unit will purify the air of pollutants, particulates and virus up to 12 m/3 (425 cubic feet) at least once per hour. If the space is smaller ie a one desk office of 6m/3 it will purify the air 6 times per hour or 144 times per day.

We have all seen Plasma tube, UV light and Hydrogen Peroxide machines that claim to kill bacteria and Virus, but how do we know?  None of these units, as far as we know, uses proven and visible Hepa Filters and Activated Carbon Filters, and therefore cannot remove particulates, pollen, dust, dander etc. Ravair's filters are proven to work- just take a look at the before and after images yourself!